
22 ene 2011

King Street Artworks New Zealand

En Nueva Zelanda estuve trabajando de monitora suplente en King Street Artworks, un centro artístico para personas que tienen o han tenido problemas mentales, y para sus familiares, amigos y comunidad (total abierto a todo el mundo). Un lugar muy inspirador !!!! Tendrían que haber más centros como éste!!! Os invito a que echéis una ojeada por su web. Mis favoritos: Gallery 21 y Artists.
In New Zealand I worked for a while as a relief tutor at King Street Artworks. A Creative space for those who have used mental health services, their friends, family and for the whole community. King Street Artworks is a very inspiring place! I invite you to have a look at their website. My favourite sections are Gallery 21 and Artists

Artists working at King Stree Arworks

Painting by Christine Winbush

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